Pity Party

Today was my first day in class after Thanksgiving break, I woke up sick with a sore throat,headache, and ear ache, I’m exhausted, and finals are next week with several exams this week too….. my life sucks.


^That was the easy way out, here is how I long to approach each struggle the Lord has handed me.

Today was my first day in class after thanksgiving break. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to spend time with my family and friends for the holiday. I am thankful for safe travels in spite of snow storms and for quality time with the ones I love.

I woke up sick this morning, probably because my immune system was down after a few days of relaxing over break. Yes this is challenging but I know that I have God on my side. One of my favorite quotes perfectly illustrates this.

“I know God wouldn’t give me anything I cannot handle, I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.” ~Mother Teresa

I have a lot of exams in the coming weeks. I thank the Lord that I have the chance to get an education and to be in classes which are preparing me for my future career. Plus, what comes after finals? I get a whole month off to celebrate the coming of Christ with my family and friends. I think it will be worth the two weeks of learning, The feasting is always better after the waiting…it is Advent after all.

I must try to grasp the idea that the Devil is going to continue to pull me towards the side of self pity and doubt, but what do I have to feel bad about? I have God. “I know who goes before me//I know who stands behind//The God of Angel armies// Is always by my side!”

“By the anxieties and worries of the life, Satan tries to dull man’s heart and make a dwelling for himself there.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi

I am challenging you all to not let Satan find a dwelling place. Be like the innkeepers of Bethlehem towards Mary and Joseph. Wherever Satan tries to creep in,  slam the door in his face by glorifying God.

Sorry Satan, there is no room for you here.

God Bless,

Lucia J. Francisco